Perfectly Coueffed

I have been meaning to get to my blog for months with one simple mission at hand, to rave about a new product line called “Couef” by Jamie Schactel.  I first saw Jamie’s perfectly Coiffed, Couefs at the New York Gift Show. Her show space was jamming with excited buyers who all had to have one of Jamie Schactel’s multi-functional, aesthetically beautiful poufs. I love these little ottomans. Not only for their pure ingenuity and design appeal but because a designer designed these. As a designer, my first reaction I have to admit was a pang of jealously. (How did she do it? Why didn’t I think of that? Felllow designers, I am sure you can all relate). But once past the intitial envy my emotions turned to pure support. It’s one thing to develop something for namesake but another to create something that is so flawless that even another designer has to have it. Kudos to Jamie Schactel for creating the perfect Couef. Find it at